Chimney Tips During COLD Weather

It sure is cold in Central Texas! We at Top Hat Chimney Sweeps LLC hope that you are safe and warm during this FREEZE.

We know that it is tempting to build a fire to stay warm, here are some safety tips to keep you safe while enjoying the fire.

If possible, keep a window cracked open while the fire is burning. 🔥

Be certain the damper or flue is open before starting a fire. Keeping the damper or flue open until the fire is out will draw smoke out of the house. The damper can be checked by looking up into the chimney with a flashlight or mirror. Do not close the damper until the embers have completely stopped burning.

Use dry and well-aged wood. Wet or green wood causes more smoke and contributes to soot buildup in the chimney. Dried wood burns with less smoke and burns more evenly,

Smaller pieces of wood placed on a grate burn faster and produce less smoke.

Clean out ashes from previous fires. Levels of ash at the base of the fireplace should be kept to 1 inch or less because a thicker layer restricts the air supply to logs, resulting in more smoke.

The chimney should be checked annually by a professional. (That’s Us! 🎩)

Even if the chimney is not due for cleaning, it is important to check for animal nests or other blockages that could prevent smoke from escaping.

Minimize your child’s chance of burns from the hot glass front of some fireplaces, including gas fireplaces. Safety screens can be installed to reduce the risk of burns.

Make sure the area around the fireplace is clear of anything that is potentially flammable (ie: furniture, drapes, newspapers, books, etc.). If these items get too close to the fireplace, they could catch fire.

Never 🚫 leave a fire in the fireplace unattended. Make sure it is completely out before going to bed or leaving the house. If you leave the room while the fire is burning or the fireplace is still hot, take your small child with you.

Put fireplace tools and accessories out of a young child’s reach. Also, remove any lighters and matches.

Install both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Test them monthly and change the batteries at least once a year.

Keep a fire extinguisher on hand. 🧯

Talk with children as early as possible the dangers of fires and the heat coming from them.

We are looking forward to providing our Peace of Mind Promise! Give us a call today! 512-352-0313!

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